Personal Injury

Personal Injury pertains to any violation of an individual’s rights, other than property rights. The attorneys at Bennett & Demopoulos specialize in all types of personal injury cases, including but not limited to auto accidents, wrongful death, premises liability, no-fault claims, and all other torts.
Personal Injury involves civil law claims where you are trying to seek damages for an injury you sustained to your person. Physical injuries to your person could arise from being involved in an automobile accident, a railroad accident, being injured as a result of a dangerous or otherwise unsafe product, and other injury-causing situations. However, personal injuries can be physical and psychological injuries.
Psychological injuries typically arise by trauma associated with life-threatening and/or disfiguring physical injuries, or as a result of witnessing trauma in others, or following personal escape from serious injury following a traumatic event.
It is extremely important to have an experienced attorney evaluate your case. We offer a free consultation and a contingent fee, which means there are no attorney fees unless there is an award or recovery.
Our attorneys have recovered millions for our clients in the Plymouth-Canton Community up to policy limits.
Thank you for tuning in.
I’m Greg Demopoulos, partner at Bennett & Demopoulos PLLC in Plymouth, Michigan. This video is about personal injury cases. Our law firm has over 100 years of legal experience, and we have recovered millions for our clients. The key for us is we’re selective in the cases that we take. We want to make sure that we evaluate the three main things about a personal injury case. Is there a compensable injury? Is the defendant collectable? And, very importantly, is there liability? In other words, is the wrongdoer legally responsible for your injury?
Handling personal injury cases
The way we handle personal injury cases in this office is we have a free consultation in person or by phone. We will ask you questions about how the injury occurred, whether it’s a car accident, a malpractice case, some form of liquor liability, products liability, dog bites. We’ll then ask about witnesses. We’ll then ask if any statements were made to any authorities. We will then begin our investigation and gather as much information as we can once you become our client. We will look into collectability, how much insurance is out there, individual collectability of any proposed defendant, and we will make a case assessment.
I have been a mediator at the Wayne County mediation tribunal since the late 90’s, and I often handle about 20 cases each time I’m there about 3-4 times a year. What’s nice about that is I get to see all the other lawyers in town when they bring their cases to us to evaluate them for settlement. So I have developed a very good skill of what settlement value should be in a case, and more importantly, my law partner Kevin and I and the other associate attorneys at the office are very well-skilled trial attorneys. We know how to prove a case in front of a jury if it has to go that route.
What happens at the initial meeting
At your initial meeting with us, if you decide to hire us we will have you fill out medical authorizations to get all the medical records, make a thorough assessment and investigation of your case and we will not sit on your case. Once we have this information, we will get it filed. We keep our clients notified of everything we’re doing by sending copies of the documents we prepare, either electronically or through the mail. We give regular status reports of your case, and you’re the boss. We don’t settle a case without your permission, all we can do is make recommendations for you. We’re very good at what we do, and we work diligently on behalf of our clients. There is no fee unless money is recovered for you. The fee is 1/3 of the net recovery.
Fee for personal injury cases
What is a net recovery? Every case has expenses. For instance: you have to file a case. A filing fee and a jury fee is $275. We would likely have to take depositions. If we take a deposition of the defendant, defendants or a witness, we have to pay a court reporter to do that and we also have to pay for the transcripts. When we order medical records, we have to pay for the medical records. We front these expenses so you don’t have to, but when the case is resolved, the expenses that we have and provide to you would come off the top, because those expenses are necessary to get the recovery you deserve.
Our phone number is 734-453-7877, feel free to call us and we’ll evaluate your case.